Whole School Eco-Meeting

Today we held our last whole school eco-meeting of the year! We were able to look back at all the great things we have done this year for our environment and to suggest actions for next year at Knockbreda.

As suggested by the children during previous eco-meetings, Mrs Welsh has now purchased some ‘Don’t drop litter signs’ and an outdoor bin, and these will soon be displayed near our gates to help ‘keep Knockbreda, tidy, neat and clean!’ ♪♪♪

Hip Hip Hooray! We have succesfully renewed our Green Flag Award and we have been invited to collect it at Belfast Castle in June!

Mrs Welsh encouraged the children to continue to have green hands when they go home by taking part on the Saving Energy Challenge and by joining on the Translink Challenge by scooting, biking or walking to school in June.

To finish our meeting, Mrs Welsh reminded the children that it is their right to learn about how to look after the environment.

Thank you Green Apples, Red Apples and parents for attending our last whole school eco-meeting!

Posted on May 25, 2023 and filed under Rights Respecting School, Eco-Schools.